Asbestos Death Verdict

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$7.7 Million

Asbestos Death Verdict

We delivered justice to the family of a fifty-nine-year-old wife and mother of four adult children who died from mesothelioma in 2003. For approximately five years in the 1970s, the victim’s husband worked in a compressor room that contained ten large compressors insulated with asbestos materials.

During the trial it was established that the husband was highly exposed to asbestos dust through his work changing gaskets and removing insulation in the compressor room, and that his wife’s exposure to asbestos was through her husband’s work clothes, which she laundered.

It was proven that by the 1950s, the company that provided the compressors was aware of the dangers of asbestos but did not place warnings on the equipment.

On behalf of the family, we commenced litigation against the oil company the husband worked for and the company that provided the compressors.

The court awarded $3 million for the survival claim. The court also awarded $1 million to the victim’s husband for his wrongful death claim.

Each child of the victim also received $750,000 for the death of their mother, for a total verdict of $7.7 million.

Phone: 504-345-1390

New Orleans Office
607 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans,
LA 70130

Baton Rouge Office
112 Founders Drive
Baton Rouge,
LA 70810

St. Louis Office
8909 Ladue Road
MO 63124

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