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Product Liability / Drug & Device

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Have you or a loved one been affected by PFAS or AFFF exposure? Are you a firefighter or do you work at an airport, and have been exposed to PFAS and AFFF?

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF) are chemicals that have been linked to serious health issues, including kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, and thyroid disease.

These chemicals have been widely used in industrial and commercial settings, including firefighting foam, and have contaminated drinking water in many communities across the United States.

If you or a loved one has been affected by PFAS or AFFF exposure, it is important to contact U&C. We can help you navigate the complex legal process and pursue compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Phone: 504-345-1390

New Orleans Office
Lance C. Unglesby
607 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans,
LA 70130

Baton Rouge Office
Lance C. Unglesby
112 Founders Drive
Baton Rouge,
LA 70810

St. Louis Office
R. Seth Crompton
8909 Ladue Road
MO 63124

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